Saturday, September 27, 2008

I Tunes U

I believe Apple is on the cutting edge when it comes to technology. I tunes U is a great advancement for the future and will
only get better. It would be nice when I had to miss a class lecture to be able to up link that lecture to my ipod or iphone.
The tradition ways of learning through burp back teaching is slowly being replaced by technology. Why not be opened minded
to this tool. For me the more I can hear the martial the better I learn it.
This is great for alumni or people from different generations who want to understand about the advancement of education.
I know there is martial in classes I took two years ago I would like to be able to up link so I could recall information I have
forgotten. One of the biggest selling points about I tunes U is that you have 24/7 access to education files and its free. So I
like the idea and I have had I tunes for several years and never new about education learning programs. I am glad to have learned
about I tunes U. To read more click I Tunes U

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