Saturday, November 29, 2008

What I Learned In EDM 310

I learned how to create, edit, and maintain blogs. I learned how to use google and all googles different gadgets. How to create different kinds of spreadsheets, how to calculate interest rates and set up budgets and convert money. I also learned about I-Tunes and all the free stuff they offer. I learned about ALEX. I learned that technology should not be feared. I learned how to cut, copy, and paste. Sounds simple but before this class I had no idea how to do that. I learned how to install a picture and how to link something together on a blog. I have never felt comfortable using a computer until now. This class has help me understand more about using computers than I could have ever imaged. I feel this class is one of the most important classes to me that I have taken so far. To have had Dr. Strange as a teacher was also a blessing. To see someone love what they do gave me hope that one day I could be as passionate as he is.

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